Our next community dinner
Will be on Saturday, Jan 11th
at Arlington High School from 5 - 6:30!
Enter at Mass Ave door
All are welcome!
NEAT (Neighbors Eating All Together) is an all volunteer organization dedicated to offering an inclusive and welcoming place in Arlington. Gather and share a nourishing meal with us every month! We believe that bringing food and connection together is the recipe for a stronger community.
In the coming year, NEAT dinners will be served at Thompson Elementary School, Arlington High School and Park Avenue Congregational Church. This ensures that residents from each part of town - the East, the Center and the Heights - have an opportunity to easily access the meal several times during the year.
We're excited to get back to our core mission of serving community dinners! During the Covid-19 pandemic, NEAT collaborated with 5 local organizations to bring a Chef-prepared Thanksgiving meal to local seniors in November of 2020. We followed that with a Soup Servings program distributing nourishing Chef-made soup and meals to local community organizations serving food insecure residents in Arlington and other communities.
To volunteer at a NEAT community dinner, please send your contact information and info on how you'd like to help to eatwithneat@gmail.com. And please consider making a donation to support our programming and future dinners!